How Mondo Neon is Helping Businesses Prepare to Reopen
As Ccovid-19 has made crowded places feel rather unsafe, most businesses have seen some if not all of their personal spacing compromised, unable to effectively practice social distancing under any conditions. Fear is prevalent and right now and businesses are uncertain how to deal with distancing. If you're one of these groups struggling to stay calm, you're in good company - Mondo has started offering Acrylic Freestanding Countertop Sneeze Guards.
The plastic shields protect workers from customer sneezes & coughs. The easy-to-assemble countertop sneeze guards can be used in pharmacies, convenient stores, urgent care centers, and other public sites. The guards can be easily cleaned using warm water and soap and are transparent for easy visibility. Simple to assemble, each guard can be put together on-site in a matter of minutes.
Each sneeze guard measures roughly 20” x 30” and costs $149 (free S+H).
This Acrylic Sneeze Guard Is Great for Added Protection In:
Retail Stores
Banks Retail Stores
Convenient Stores
Grocery Stores
Reception Desks
Take Out Counters
Fast Food Restaurants
So, take action and switch over to a Freestanding Countertop Sneeze Guards. Click here to order!
How are you staying creative and healthy during this time? Tweet us @MondoNeon to tell us what you think!